
Attracting investments - Developing

In my role as Chairman of the association Danish Datacenter Industry - I have built a significant network of contacts from Operators, Designers, Owners, Consultants, Vendors & Investors.

I have taken part of several activities, events, fairs, site visits etc. to help potential investors to build their business plan before deciding to establish or expand their activities in the Nordic Region.

I'm proud of being one of the founding members of the Danish Data Center Association - Where I have been the Chairman of the Board for a period of 7½ years. The work we have done in the association have positioned Denmark as a very attractive place to invest and we have seen our early engagement as an instrumental part of the success Denmark have had to attract investments on Datacenters, Fiber and Energy projects.

Over the years I have built a very big and strong local and International network of professional people that have been a key part of the positive developments I have been part of.  I enjoy speaking at fairs and conventions and have had a big number of appearances as a speaker, panelist, or moderator in events about Energy, Datacenters, Business gatherings.

Case - Datacenters

Datacenters in all sizes from small to the very largest. I have been involved in quotation, negotiation, contractual work, vendor management and project execution in some of the major projects developed in the Nordics over the past 4 years. This have given a strong experience and a good understanding of this segment that will continue growing.

In datacenter projects confidentiality, trust and time to market are key ingredients. Regardless if you are building a green field datacenter or are subcontractor on specific parts of the datacenter, your delivery is still key to the final result.   

Due to confidentiality clauses and NDA`s - most of the projects I have been involved in cannot be mentioned. 

But there are public available references on following link

Case - Heavy equipment

Public tenders are familiar to me and I have been deeply involved in a significant number of public tenders. Clear understanding of the full process from Pre-qualification, Market-dialog, Quotation, Negotiation meetings and contractual work is key for successful offers.

Tenders all follow strict tender rules - And it`s key to fully understand how to work with public tenders to submit the right offer with correct information to secure not to be disqualified on the details. 

I have been trained externally by companies specialized in tender rules and regulation - To learn about the "perfect" offer. My experience cover winning offers in different financing models - from direct orders, Public Private Partnership, ESCO & As A Service contracts.

Winning and delivering a number of very big projects in the Nordic Region.  Few examples: High sophisticated technical equipment for large Subsea installation - Complete drivetrain for electrical ship propulsion - Inverters solutions for Wind turbines - Full emergency power package powerplant. 

Case - Waste heat

Consulting about waste heat

We have supported the battle to get better legislation - Releasing taxes on waste heat from Datacenters. After years effort from strong influencers in the industry we succeeded.

Now waste heat will be used for heating houses benefitting both the climate and the economy.

I have a strong passion for all activities that can benefit both our climate and business.

Regulations, Laws and historical decisions often block even the most obvious needs for change.

I have been an active part of consulting and participating in activities on waste heat, Digitalization & Climate partnerships.

All small steps against a better future where we achieve more with less energy.

There is an increasing push to legislate and develop digital infrastructure with clear and common requirements on building code and emissions. This important work requires a coordinated effort and EU are central to it`s success.